Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Sometimes it's like being a single parent

I have one son and one partner. In an ideal world I would have mutual support from my partner and mainly support our son.

My world entails a lot more support for my partner Richard than I ever anticipated when we got together. I knew Richard for a few years before we started going out together. He was one of the most dynamic people I knew. I felt motivated by his passion for so many activities. He had lived away from home (which my previous boyfriend never had).

He was diagnosed with a mental illness, different from his current diagnosis, a couple of years before we hooked up. It didn't bother me. He was really well, lived a normal life, held down a full time course or job.

He still does. He works more hours than I do on a full time contract. He holds down several extracurricular activities. He manages to squeeze in some family time. So why is it sometimes like being a single parent?

Richard can be rude and aggressive. He can absolutely refuse any responsibility for anything to do with the house. He will promise to pick up the clothes littering his office but leave them for several weeks, he will promise not to pull all the clothes from his wardrobe onto our bedroom floor but forget, he expects me to know where every item he possesses is located despite being the most untidy person I have ever met.

Every time something goes wrong I am meant to bail Richard out. Every time I refuse to or can't I am berated and blamed. Every time I lay responsibility at his door he tells me I lack responsibility. Richard really is a teenager in a grown man's body.

Sometimes he's the best father in the world

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